Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago

Just a little note of great Thanks & praise to Kathy & Betsy, our wonderful therapists! Having a household of 11 dogs can be quite a hassle at times. We love all our rescues but we still want people to come visit us, not be afraid of our hairy children. A leaf falls in the yard and the dog goes crazy barking . . . until therapy began. My husband and I can not believe the difference the training has made. Already the barking has decreased greatly. The kids can have friends over and their ankles are safe from Clifford wanting to eat them. Tripper (my most spoiled possession) seems more relaxed and enjoys company now that she doesn't have to bark at them. Instead of hiding and growling, Luigi actually ran up & frantically licked our last visitor!! My dad can walk thru my yard a little easier now and at meal time there is hardly a peep. Feeding 11 dogs while they were all barking got some what nerve racking, now we laugh at how quiet it is. We are amazed at our household now and love it even more, if that is possible. Everyone should have this training, for one dog or for a pack of dogs. We are so very pleased. Betsy and Kathy are both extremely wonderful people that I am so glad to have befriended. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!