Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Dutchess County, Poughkeepsie NY

My 1½ year hold Pit Bull mix, Lucy, responded immediately to each of the training techniques. By the end of the session, I finally assumed a leadership role and Lucy's level of high anxiety miraculously diminished as she looked to me for direction and praise. I was amazed to learn how to communicate with Lucy on her level of dog, in her language of dog. I was pleased to learn relatively simple techniques that produced major results and all using positive methods. I would definitely recommend Bark Busters. I have used other trainers in the past, plus another behaviorist, and spent lots of money and time working with Lucy. Bark Busters, in less than 2 hours, gave me the tools I needed to help Lucy become a happier dog and, in turn, make me a happier owner.