Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

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17 years ago — Greater Detroit, Michigan

I have a 1-yr-old Rotty that would only listen when he felt like it. He is very strong and would play rough. I was afraid that he would hurt someone. I have talked to many trainers about him and did not like their methods (like kneeing him in the chest when jumping). I even had one trainer tell me that he should be put down. I called Bark Busters and talked to Maril. I liked her right away. She was not bothered at all that he was a Rotty. She was wonderful with my dog and was relaxed around him. Now I can run and walk in my backyard and he no longer plays too rough. How great is that! Maril also helped with Zeus's other bad habits. From this point on I will always be a Bark Busters client! I cannot tell you how happy Maril has made me just by showing me that we can do this and that Zeus can be a wonderful dog! Some day Zeus will be a therapy dogs thanks to Maril & Bark Busters!