Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16250 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago — Collegeville, Pottstown, Norristown

    Jeri has successfully helped us improve the behavior of our dog. She is patient and easy to work with, and is very knowledgeable about her field of expertise. I would recommend Jeri to any dog owner.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago — Northern New Jersey: Hoboken, Paramus & Ridgewood

    Photo of Greg has made such a difference in our lives and the life of our former "problem child," Stella. She is a happier, well-adjusted dog, literally overnight. We can't thank him enough! As the hospital manager at Park Ridge Animal Hospital, I recommend him to all our clients for their training and behavior needs.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago — Southwest Missouri

    I was simply amazed at the progress my dogs made by using this easy-to-understand method. I finally have hope that my dogs will be better behaved around family and friends because of the tools I now have. Thanks so much

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago — Southern New England

    Very easy! Very Comprehensive and logical! Unbelievably Fast! Within a few minutes! No force, no food or treats. Very enjoyable. Results were immediate. Scot was fantastic! Very personable, knowledgeable and patient. This training was exactly what I was looking for.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    Photo of Absolutely amazing! It's easy and IT WORKS! Lisa is a very good teacher. I love the fact that I can correct my dog's behavior without the negativity of telling her "bad dog!"

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago — East Louisville, Kentucky

    Amazing results. The training was well worth the cost. Doug also came back for a refresher course -- no hassles as promised. A great trainer, and a real lifetime guarantee!

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    John was extremely pleasant, informative and knowledgeable. Benson responded to the techniques immediately. After one training session, no more pinch collar. Yea! The training was really enjoyable as I was seeing the results before my eyes. After 1 week, Benson is far from perfect, but I am now enjoying my training sessions. Benson also looks forward to training and we are both much more comfortable.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    Bark Busters is easy to follow that is the key to making it work. It is amazing. ~ Both my boys saw that someone else was in charge (me). Counter-surfing by Sonny hardly ever happens anymore. It is much better than food training and they are not getting a bunch of calories that they don't need. ~ I love learning things that make our lives more productive and fun. The boys needed direction for a great life. ~ We received Sonny with a warning (from the previous owner) about his bad behavior. He is now better than Troy. We are all amazed.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    The training techniques were easy to understand. It was amazing to see how Macy responded after only one training session. It is nice not to have to use treats or bribery. Macy is much more relaxed. It has been 4 days, and I have seen amazing results. I can't believe that it is this easy.

  • Anonymous
    15 years ago

    I am on a lot of pain meds and have trouble concentrating. Lisa called a time-out, and I was able to go lie down for 15-20 minutes in the middle of our session. I felt so much better and really was able to get a lot out of the rest of the lesson. A neighbor came to the door after Lisa left and Razcul was barking. I growled Bah and used a training aid, then he came over, stopped barking and sat by me. I was very pleased with the natural training techniques. Being physical is not an option -- quick jerks on check collars is not something I can physically do. I am a former horse trainer, and body language and voice tones are important there, too. Learning how dogs think was very informative. I was astounded with how much time Lisa allowed for getting to know both me and my dog. I am disabled and suffer from depression, so my dog thought -- and was right -- that he was the pack leader. Now I have a much better understanding of how to be a dog leader now! Thanks!