Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16243 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Libby and Linus are more aware of our leadership. This has made for a great household. The training experience was great -- our attention as well as the dog's attention was kept. Kathy was wonderful. She is a pack leader to learn from. Thank you.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Rachel Baum was terrific. She understood our training problems and our dogs. She was extremely helpful.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Rachel is very nice and made sure to be personable about all my pets. I would recommend Bark Busters 110%.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Rachel made it fun, and we had some good laughs for all the mistakes we humans make with our dogs. Corkey was calm, sat down, did not jump on us, did not bark. Rachel is an excellent trainer. Natural training has opened our eyes to new ways for our lab mix and they are very simple to get results. Rachel made the training experience fun and enjoyable for all of us. She included our daughter who is handicapped. Your training program is excellent. We all have learned so much from Rachel. Practice makes perfect! Rachel Baum is a terrific trainer! She had our dog under control in a 1/2 hour.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    She was very clear and professional in presenting material. Rachel's examples and demonstration were easy to understand. To our amazement (and that of my dog)! He immediately responded to the growl and praise. He was shocked the first time I growled at him. I am very pleased. Bark Busters is what we have needed. I wish I had known about these techniques years ago. We were never bored for a minute. I already have recommended Bark Busters to someone.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Her explanations and demonstration of techniques made it very clear and easy to understand. Our dogs were very difficult in the many areas of bad behavior and we understand it may take longer than with most other dogs. Rachel explained why our dogs were showing the behavior which helped us understand how important it is for us to use the training every day to and to be consistent.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Very surprised how well he responded.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    It was awesome. I feel like the mystery is gone. I now have a simple technique that really works. Thank you!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    The training techniques were explained clearly and examples were used. By the end of training, Melody was picking up techniques faster and responding very quickly. We like that Bark Busters does not use treats as a reward, rather just love and attention. The experience was interesting and we saw results!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Portland, Oregon

    Hi Dick - I just wanted to take a moment (while Molly is sleeping - still!) and tell you how much Paul and I enjoyed our training lessons today. We really appreciate your remarkable abilities and professional approach. It was so well structured - yet you have a wonderful way of putting us at ease. (We loved your stories and your sense of humor!) It was good to hear that you feel that Molly is quick to learn -- I take that remark seriously since I feel confident in your knowledge of dogs. I hope she keeps doing well. Thank you for being so patient with us and I can promise you that we will practice, practice and practice some more. Thank you kindly.