Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16241 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Jim explained the training techniques in a clear way, and we were happy with the natural techniques used by Bark Busters. we saw improvement in our dog's behavior by the end of the first session and we will recommend Jim to our friends and neighbors.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

    Patrick explained the natural, pleasing techniques in a way that was easy to follow and understand. Interesting as I have not seen that quick of result in mastering a behavioral problem. It was enjoyable to see that NO HARM was done to Charlie, a Maltie-Poo. I am now able to enjoy my pet when friends come over. I can relax when I leave my pet for a period of time or when taking him on walks. I would highly recommend Bark Busters because of NO HARM to the dog and quick results. Results that are seen within 20 minutes. Calling Bark Busters was the best thing I could have done for both Charlie and myself. Thank you. Patrick. You were a blessing.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

    I would recommend Bark Busters. Patrick explained the natural, pleasing techniques in a way that was easy to follow and understand. I observed noticeable results by the end of the training and found the experience to be interesting and enjoyable.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

    I already have recommended Bark Busters to my friends and neighbors. Patrick was great and made it entertaining for me. He explained the training techniques in a way that was easy to follow and understand. I observed noticeable results by the end of the training. I had a totally different dog at the end of the lesson. I am extremely pleased with the natural training techniques used by Bark Busters.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Space Coast, Florida

    I was utterly amazed at the progress made in the short time of the first session.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Space Coast, Florida

    I was very excited by the results after the first session. With the results I've had, I would definitely recommend Bark Busters and have. I look forward to continued improvement in Shadow's behavior.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Fred was excellent in providing us with the best information on dog behavior. That same day there was significant noticeable change and it's only getting better!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Fred was very thorough and gave many examples. My dogs were already getting better with barking at the door. It's now 3 weeks later and my puppy is almost housebroken! Non-physical training is the way to do it!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Roxie seemed calmer after the training. It was very interesting to see how she responded to the trainer. I would definitely recommend Bark Busters to my friends.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Fred explained everything extremely well, and everything we asked he answered perfectly. Louie seemed to understand the concept and I believe he will be trained in no time. Everything I learned was definitely a nice experience. I would gladly recommend this to anyone.