Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16234 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Pinellas County & West Pasco, Florida

    Vito was excellent with Diego. It was amazing to see Diego respond so well on the first session. I'm very pleased and will recommend Bark Busters to others.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Greater Tampa Bay, Florida

    (The training) was explained and demonstrated. After, we practiced together. Ali responds very well to the change in voice tone. I'm amazed at how simple it is to get Ali to change her behavior. I would definitely recommend.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Photo of The "all treats all the time" trainings did not work with out dog. This is so much more effective. We noticed results immediately and can use the tools forever -- great service! Thank you!! This training will allow us to keep our dog - something we may not have been able to do otherwise.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago — Montgomery County, Texas

    The training worked so well I'm tempted to pay to have my neighbor's dog trained.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    After watching John, within the first few minutes I knew there was hope for my dog, Beaux. It will take some work, but I know we'll finally be a well-balanced family.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    John explained everything perfectly. The training was interesting and enjoyable. John was quite knowledgeable, very friendly and he was great with the dogs.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    Rachel addressed all of my questions and concerns in ways I understood, and she was very responsive to my needs. I have seen a tremendous difference in Max almost immediately in all areas and have found these techniques to be very successful and effective so far. I appreciated the follow-up call!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    The session was very understanding and informative. It was amazing the immediate results and they just keep getting better. I loved that there was no yelling, zap collars or shock collars. It was interesting and enjoyable. I have already started recommending to lots of people. We are so happy with our training! What an immediate improvement. Thank you so much!

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    I have recommended it at least 3 times within the first week of training.

  • Anonymous
    16 years ago

    We were surprised at how easy it seemed. It was fun and funny to watch a very hyper puppy become so calm in a short amount of time. If others have problems with their pet, it is a good choice to have Bark Busters come to the rescue. We are glad that this is a lifetime guarantee, just in case problems arise as she grows.