Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16216 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

    Photo of Linda Conrad is a very effective communicator. Jake responded very quickly in contrast to our precious formal training attempts. Jake was clearly happy with the training activities and I enjoyed working with him. We have already recommended Bark Busters. The methods are so effective. Jake appears to be more relaxed and happy. His performance improves daily and we enjoy our training time together.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Southwest Florida, Fort Myers & Cape Coral

    I am extremely happy with the training that my dog has received. The change in behavior that I have witnessed in my dog is a miracle. My dog was a biter, barker and dominated me and the house. After the first session he was a changed dog. He did not bark at every little thing and he listened to me.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago

    We were impressed with how quickly the training methods work. A remarkable improvement was seen during the initial session. The training methods are easy to learn and apply and our dog responds well to them. I will definitely recommend Bark Busters to others.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Brooklyn & Staten Island

    I can't tell you how much Robert Machi has helped me with my Labrador puppy( Lizzie). While a good dog, Lizzie is probably one of the most stubborn, mind of her own, not to mention strong dogs I have ever seen.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago

    Photo of Amazing results! Two dogs, one hyper, made for moments of stress. Becky calmed US down as well as the dogs. This works!

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago

    I was happily surprised by seeing results so quickly. Within the three hour lesson there was a big change in my dogs' behavior.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

    Photo of We definitely noticed results immediately! Loved that there were no treats involved. Always pleasing when things go right and they did! Abigail likes the Bark Busters collar- she comes when I call her to go outside.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

    Photo of Linda was so supportive during this process. The technique really works with dedication and commitment.

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

    Photo of Linda is awesome! We felt so comfortable with her in our home. She is a godsend! Our dogs are different already! It was very fun and very enjoyable. I haven't thought and been that interested in a long time! I have already recommended Linda and will continue to because I know she can help. I can't stay say enough about Linda. We love her. I was ready to get rid of our dogs, now I am so excited to have them because I know our home life will be so much better and less stressful! Thank goodness I saw your brochure in Victor Allens!

  • Anonymous
    17 years ago — Dane County, Madison, Wisconsin

    Photo of Linda always made sure to fully explain not only the techniques but the reasoning behind them as well. Then she'd watch us perform them & give her great positive feedback. It was truly amazing to see how effective this training was on such a young puppy. She immediately responded. It's fun to see how much our dog already knows now that we're speaking her language. We love the fact that no treats are used and it's a simple technique that can be used anywhere & anytime. We can't tell you how many friends, family & co-workers we have told about Bark Busters. It's so unique & simple & effective. We have to share it with other people! Without a doubt, we would highly recommend Bark Busters & Linda. Several times already people have commented on how well behaved our puppy already is & we let them in on the secret of Linda & Bark Busters. Linda is punctual, knowledgeable & has a knack with dogs. It's very stressful having a puppy & Linda always makes sure to point out what we're doing right before she offers very tactful advice on how we can improve.