Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16213 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    Thank you so much for the care and help. She was getting so much better with the kids. Lizzie was no longer scared of her running her over. Instead they ran and played together. Truffles was changing into the gentle and caring dog we wanted her to be with the kids. Thank you for making the last couple months with her so great. You provide an excellent service and we will recommend you to anyone we can.

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    We are very pleased with the response of Chance to the training as well as the results. We found John to be very friendly, well versed in the training procedures, interested in our needs and an effective trainer. Our dog responded within 15 minutes of the session!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    Dugan is a changed dog! He is a pleasure to walk and actually listens to us! We are very, very pleased with the results of the training session. It was very helpful to hear the details of dog pack behavior and interaction. This made everything very clear! We would recommend Bark Busters in a heart beat!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    This program is simple to apply and has had dramatic results in correcting McDuff's behaviors. I highly recommend Bark Busters!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    I couldn't be more impressed!! Problem solved!!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    For a house pet, this method is far better than going to an obedience class. The personal one-on-one in home training addresses the real problems you are having with your dog. The therapist was easy to follow and addressed every issue.

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    I took the 20 question quiz and realized my youngest dog was more out of control than I wanted to believe. After my first session with John, I couldn't believe how much Rudy had improved! We had been through obedience class twice but neither class had addressed the "in home" problems. Bark Busters methods are effective and most of all easy to follow!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    Bark Busters is the first type of dog training that ever had a lasting positive effect on my dog!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    I believe Bark Busters is great! My dog responded immediately. Thank you so much!

  • Anonymous
    18 years ago

    Loved the one on one training. Great instructor!