Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16208 reviews.
  • 99.6% 4 or 5 stars 99.6% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.8% Would Recommend 99.8% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.7% Dog Responded 99.7% think that their dog responded to the training.

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  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Eastside King County, Washington

    Thank you, Jack and Sarah! We had painters in our house for the last two weeks and they were so impressed with our dog's behavior. They are now recommending Bark Busters.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — South Orange County, CA

    We obtained two adult 4 lb female Maltese's thinking because they are small and cute and adult there should be fewer problems. WRONG! After a few weeks in our home we were going crazy with the the younger one decided she was going to be the alpha and started nipping at people, mainly men. Our vet had a brochure for Bark Busters and that was the end of our problems. At the first session the barking was stopped in about 8 seconds! We were astounded and so pleased to find someone to teach us how to "think like a canine". I feel it actually saved one of our pets because had she kept biting, in our ignorance we probably would have put her down, and that would have been a shame. The other issues we are working on will be ongoing but we are so happy that Lisa and Nelson Neyers gave us the tools with which to make us happier along with our girls being happier too. I highly recommend Bark Busters, I feel we all benefit from well behaved canine companions.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago

    Before I contacted Bark Busters I had to put both my dogs out back when someone came to the door. It was awful. No one could get in the door without being knocked down from my dogs jumping on them. Now, after only one session with Bob and Judy, both dogs sit nicely while I invite my guests into the house. It's amazing how much better they behave.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    The concepts seem so simple and so basic - I guess that's why they work so well. We saw noticeable results within two hours and have been building on those ever since. Ruthie and Ida seem to relate very well to the techniques we've been taught. The 2½ hours seemed more like 30 minutes - Time fly by. I will recommend Bark Busters to everyone!

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    To see results almost immediately was amazing!

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    I finally feel that I can have a truly enjoyable relationship with my dog.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    The main result I noticed was Busters' passiveness when using the training techniques. I was shocked that I could get and hold his attention. For a while, I didn't think that was possible. My husband and I loved learning how Buster was thinking. We were amazed at how we fed into his bad behavior without meaning to. I finally have the tools to help Buster become the great dog that I know he is.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    I was very pleasantly sirprised by the success of the Bark Busters methods. It is wonderfully simple and our dog and we are a lot happier. I had thought that our dog was a lost cause and now he is a wonderful pet and we are in control. Thanks for saving Ned and us.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    We noticed a difference in her behavior after the first day of using the techniques we learned.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Tampa, Florida

    I was quite surprised at the results the first minute we started working with our dog and the therapist. We are very impressed and quite pleased. We have already recommended Bark Busters to other friends.