Bark Busters Central Maryland Reviews

See All Chris Reviews

Shawn S.
24 months ago — Pasadena, MD

Pony Express is a rescued mutt and his inner-Chihuahua loves to show up all the time. He loves to bark at every noise and movement, and our guests would get yelled at by him for simply standing up to use the restroom. We tried other training, but the problem is that he'd act like a complete angel when we weren't at home. Chris and the Bark Busters method has been amazing. They are clear and upfront about their pricing and strategies, and they come to your house to see how he behaves naturally. Chris was an extremely calming presence, and stayed with us for hours on our first session as we worked through the psychology of Pony and how to gain control and respect. The homework is reasonable and easy to tackle. A few weeks later, we could share the great strides we and Pony have made on reducing some of his anxiety, and we started working on more techniques. He even brought and provides physical tools and equipment where it would help. He even set up some dog models out on our street and practiced introducing Pony him to animals, which was the first time I've seen that.

The lifetime action is a great reassurance. While we obviously can't know what the future holds, neither does Bark Busters, and they promise to work with whichever problems come in the future. That is much better than dropping hundreds on a class just to have no clue what to do after the session is over, and you have to drop hundreds more for retraining! We should all know how much a dogs personality can change over time, and not always for the better.

So our experience so far has been fantastic, and we've already recommend Bark Busters to someone in our area and will continue to do so. The home visit, the great techniques, the recurring attention... Highly recommend. (It wasn't a problem for us, but they also handle dogs who bite, we've heard)

  • #Aggression
  • #Barking
  • #Hyperactivity
  • #Jumping up
  • #Pulling