Bark Busters Eastside King County Reviews
12 years ago
— Eastside King County, Washington
OMG! My husband and I rescued an adorable Minature Dachshund and it wasn't too long before we had serious thoughts we had made a huge mistake. Her barking was constant. She barked at everything that made a noise inside or outside of the house. The more she barked the louder I yelled. She wanted nothing to do with anyone but me. It was very clear who was calling the shots. She had trained me very well. It only took Jack about 30-45 minutes with her and the change was dramatic. It took alittle longer to train my husband and I. To say the outcome was remarkable is an understatement. We are still in awe of how making a few small changes has improved her behavior. I would highly recommend Bark Busters to anyone who is struggling with a difficult training issue. Mattie is now that sweet, lovable, funny, happy doxie we knew she could be. We just might adopt another dachshund so she has a buddy.