Luis is nothing short of a miracle worker. My 14 year old wire-haired Dachshund, Max, developed severe separation anxiety when I moved to FL with him in mid-April 2020 after we had been sheltering place in Chicago while I worked from home for the previous 3 weeks. Pre-shelter in place orders, Max NEVER had ANY separation anxiety issues. I could leave the house day or night for 4-7 hours for work or an evening out. After arriving in FL I could not leave my apartment without Max for even a minute or two. Almost immediately he would yelp, cry and howl--disturbing my neighbors who were also forced to work at home. For 32 days, I tried everything--desensitization exercises I found on the Internet which I did for 3 hours a day (mind numbing), a sound machine and drug therapy. None of which worked. My relationship with Max was changing and not in a good way as I was now a hostage in my own home. I was at my wit's end, surfing the Internet AGAIN for a trainer--which I felt was my final option--and found Barkbusters. I read every review they had on separation anxiety for dogs. Within 4 days of my filling out the online form and my telephone interview, Luis was at my door. He spent 3 hours with me and Max, went through a complete presentation on separation anxiety--so I could understand the theory behind this change in my dog's behavior--which had nothing to do with older dog dementia as Max's vet in Chicago thought it might be. Luis said he would not train the dog but rather he would train me to change my behavior, thus changing my dog's behavior. I would not have believed this approach could be so successful and it was done in my home -- which is also a key to a successful outcome. Luis' techniques were spot on and we did training beyond the separation anxiety training that would support the separation anxiety training. We are 2 weeks post our initial visit and Max is doing GREAT! He is no longer a velcro dog and he is soooooo relaxed with or without me. I am able to leave my home for 3 hour's at a time and the time increases each time I go out. Luis made it very clear that there are no miracles, and that committing to CONSISTENT training would be they key to our success. Well we have GREAT SUCCESS! I would recommend Luis to anyone who is in need of a humane approach to training you and your dog. There are no tricks, no treats, just owner training in the language of dog. Thank you Luis from the bottom of our hearts, Max and I are now co-existing and I have my life back!
I’m so honored with your kind words and I’m really happy I was able to bring peace and tranquility to Max and you. Separation anxiety is not only painful for the dog parent, but for the dog as well.
Thank you for your heartfelt message.
Thank you for your heartfelt message.