Bark Busters Collegeville, Pottstown & Norristown Reviews

See All Jeri Reviews

Claudia L.
8 years ago — Pottstown, PA

Photo of Jake I was referred to BarkBusters, specifically to Jeri Wagner by my veterinarian. He strongly recommended that I get Jeri to help train my 9 months old Great Pyrenees mix, Jake.
Jake is a hyperactive 80 pounds puppy, with a number of problems needing to be addressed: jumping, pulling, chewing, house breaking, digging, recall, boundaries.
From the first minutes with Jeri, I understood that I have to change my attitude towards my puppy, and his behavior will change. She taught me how to be in charge when walking on a leash, and how to correct Jake's behavior depending on circumstances.
Following her visit, I had homework to do, in applying her teachings. I have seen improvement in my attitude, and in Jake's behavior from the first day. I am very impressed, and I understand that the success depends on my efforts to change myself and to correct Jake's bad behavior.
One week later, Jake is showing improvement in some areas that seemed impossible to correct before meeting Jeri. Both Jake and me are a work in progress, but I am sure that we both will be completely changed after following through with the program.

  • #Chewing
  • #Digging
  • #Hyperactivity
  • #Jumping up
  • #Pulling
  • #Puppy management
  • #Recall
  • #Toileting
  • #Other