Bark Busters Reviews

What Bark Busters clients have to say about our dog training services

  • 4.97 Average Rating Average rating 4.97 out of 5 based on 16952 reviews.
  • 99.7% 4 or 5 stars 99.7% rate their experience with Bark Busters as 4 or 5 out of 5 stars.
  • 99.6% Would Recommend 99.6% would recommend Bark Busters to their friends and neighbors.
  • 99.6% Dog Responded 99.6% think that their dog responded to the training.

Looking to leave some feedback on your Bark Busters experience? Find your trainer, to add a review.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Pinellas County & West Pasco, Florida

    Spunky is better-behaved after the initial visit. We are looking forward to continued improvement. I need to master the training techniques explained very well to me.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago

    I have raved about it already and recommended it. As a dietician, I tell my clients after doing healthy behaviors for 32 days and supporting them you will own them. John enforced the same pattern with my pets. He said to my dog, Jake, it's OK to have fears. We will not let you run from them but we will acknowledge them and take control for you and let you relax. Jake now relaxes.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago

    I feel my dog and I are having a better relationship now and understand the relationship between leader and dog.... My dog is listening better, doing commands well, and we have respect for each other. I have tried other training ways and have just had success with this one. I definitely recommend it.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago — Houston Central, Texas

    I have 11 dogs that go to work with me, and they start barking every time a customer comes in. In the past, I have tried many different trainers and techniques but nothing worked no other trainer was able to stop my dogs from barking. Donna & Jim spent about 2 hours with me and my dogs and now they are being good when customers come in and out. I am now your biggest fan. My customers have noticed the difference in my dogs, and they love it. From now on I will be sending you all my customers.

  • David & Patty K.
    19 years ago — Cypress, Spring & the Woodlands

    The method was very clear and well explained and the immediate results were unbelievable ! Bob was great and explained this in a easy way to assimilate, also quite enjoyable.

  • John H.
    19 years ago — Cypress, Spring & the Woodlands

    We noticed results with both dogs in the first 10 minutes of working with them, excellent. These natural techniques mean that we don't have to be dog psychologists to get the behaviors needed from our dogs. This method is sustainable and adapts to many situations without gimmicks.

  • Anonymous
    19 years ago

    Jan, thank you so much for coming up last night. It was so beneficial. For the first time since I have had Cubby, we ENJOYED a walk together this afternoon. Jared walked Phil and all went smoothly. I know we are by no means done, but what you taught us last night has already made a difference in our lives. Thank you!

  • Sandra K.
    19 years ago — Cypress, Spring & the Woodlands

    Gentle, but immediately effective !!

  • Janice B.
    19 years ago — Cypress, Spring & the Woodlands

    Learning to be the "pack leader" was very interesting. It's nice not having the dogs "go nuts" when the door bell rings in enjoyable. If you have a dog with issues, absolutely - call Bark Busters.

  • Ben and Pauli C.
    19 years ago

    We have always had "rescue dogs," and they have all been good-tempered and reasonably well-behaved, so we never thought about special training. And then along came Shelby.

    Shelby is a Silky Terrier who came to us as a two-year-old, and although he is a sweet little guy, he was not a good dog. He had lived alone in a backyard kennel most of his young life, and did not focus his attention on us very much. He enjoyed affection, but he was not at all concerned with pleasing us. He barked at every little noise, jumped on people, and didn't come when he was called. He was completely exasperating, and our other two dogs were picking up his bad habits.

    Our veterinarian recommended Bark Busters, and in one aftemoon, we learned how to take control of our dogs, our lives, and our household. The transformation in Shelby in that first training session was incredible - in the blink of an eye he became a different dog. We are still in the first weeks of training, but all three dogs have learned to pay close attention to our instructions. In fact, their response has been so enthusiastic that it seems as if our dogs had been waiting for us to learn how to take charge!

    Although Shelby was very cute and sweet, I had started to dislike him because of the disruption he caused. Now I look at him with greater affection, because he is no longer a wild, exasperating little creature disrupting our home. What a difference!

    When our friends come to visit, they cannot believe the change. A knock on the front door used to be followed by an extended period of dogs barking and jumping while we tried to greet our guests over the chaos. Now the dogs bark briefly and sit down.

    Of course, "dog training" is actually "people training." Ray and Niki started by explaining the reasons dogs act the way they do, and based on that understanding, they showed us how to change our behavior toward our dogs. The training is gentle, basic, and easy to understand. We treat our dogs with the same love and affection as always, but now we know how to let the dogs know what the rules are, and our dogs seem happier and more secure because they understand the boundaries.

    Bark Busters training has changed all our lives for the better. The dogs are "tuned in" and our household is becoming more peaceful each day. We are so grateful to Ray and Niki, and recommend Bark Busters to all our friends.

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